Sanctity of Human Life
Month is Every January
THE LOVE THAT VALUES ALL...When one person loves something, that thing has value to that one person. When many people love the same thing it has value to the society. But when God loves something, it has eternal value beyond measure!
So it is with humans. God loved us even before we loved Him (1John 4:19). He showed this love in Christ (John 3:16) and still pours out His love into our hearts (Romans 5:5). That God loves and values us is absolute truth.
It is absolutely true that this love extends to the unborn. The tender care used to knit us together in the womb shows His love (Psalm 139:13, Isaiah 44:24) and He understands and knows our soul and loves us completely (Psalm 139:14, Luke 1:41). In fact, He knew us and loved us even before we are born (Jeremiah 1:5).
There is no doubt that God loves the unborn. With God's love comes value and worth. Each person, whether born or unborn, young or old, healthy or sick, has that eternal God given worth.
When we recognize the immeasurable value and worth of every person it becomes obvious that we should also love and cherish all people. The sick should be cared for, the hurting should be nurtured, the scared should be comforted and the unborn should be protected.
Our worth and dignity as persons created by God is not in question. It is our response to those who would attack the weak and helpless that is uncertain. God is clear; we have a responsibility to stand for those in need (Psalm 82:3, Proverbs 31:8-9). You have an opportunity to do that.
Would you stand up with us and affirm the Sanctity of Human Life?
If your answer is Yes, please mark your calendar to participate this year in celebration National Sanctity of Human Life month this coming January. Here are some ways that you and your church can participate:
Speak: We know that Abortion is a touchy subject with some people. But as God's church we are not called to have a spirit of fear but a spirit of boldness. Consider presenting a message about the war that is raging in the world today over LIFE. Here are some resources that can assist you. https://www.pregnancycentertruth.com/ , https://www.heartbeatinternational.org/. We can arrange a speaker from our center to be a guest speaker as well.
Stand Up: Please consider starting an Embrace Grace group at your church. More Details here https://embracegrace.com/start-a-group
Spread the News: Put signs in your front yard or at the road frontage of your church that point the public to Refuge. We have often been called the "Best Kept Secret in Rockdale" help us rip the secrecy off and let women passing by your church know that there are people who care and want to help. (Flyer download here)
Contact us here to reserve your signs!
Support Us Financially: Since 1984 Refuge has been supported by grassroots community donations. There are many ways to help keep that going. Visit our Donations page here for more details.
Please feel free to show the video linked below to your church, organization or social group. Please prayerfully consider making a special donation to The Refuge Center to show your support, and please pray for our nation and the future of our families.
Heritage House76 inc. https://www.hh76.org/
"if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14