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Allow Me to be Vulnerable with You...

Updated: Oct 18, 2023

We are so thankful that God allowed us the blessing of being his vessel in the healing and rebirth of this young woman. This is a great example of how the churches and The Refuge ministry work together to bring hope and healing to those who enter our door. Our desire is for them to enter yours as well, and for them to enter the door to the Kingdom of God. Matthew 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

Maria, a recent client of Refuge, wanted you to know how much your support of Refuge has meant to her. She wanted you to know her story. She begins…

"My name is Maria, and I am a survivor of Satan’s hold. I was abused, raped, mislead, suicidal, and hopeless. I had an abortion out of fear. In that moment, it felt as though my problems would disappear. Little did I know, it would lead me down a dark nine years of pain, regret, and three suicide attempts. I must be honest; not all experiences are like my own, but please understand, you will indeed be affected.

Years passed and I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl. These words may be familiar to most, but she truly did save my life. My daughter was just the key to the door. My journey led me to The Refuge Center. I was accepted even though I was agnostic at the time. During my time at Refuge, I met my counselor who became a part of my family. She introduced me to a wonderful pastor. Both opened my eyes to my possibilities. Nothing was ever forced. By the grace of Jesus Christ himself, I became born again. I defeated my demons and now strive to help others who are battling depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and attempts. If you take anything from my message, it is that troubles never last. I, Maria, am personally giving you the key to your door. Trust and believe that you have a higher purpose. You are strong. You are loved. You are worthy. In Christ you are free.”



Our hearts break when we hear these stories from hurting men and women. They were misled by our society that abortion ends their trouble, but in fact only creates more troubles. We praise God for all the people like Maria, whom he has redeemed and set free. If your Church missed our forum on August 11th on how you can partner with us and together we can meet the needs of our community during this tumultuous time, we encourage you to call and speak with our development team. We would love to include you in this body of Christ movement.

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