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Writer's pictureAndrea S.

Same Ocean, Different Boats

Updated: Oct 18, 2023

“Today is the Day to change a Tomorrow”. This expression was given to the staff at Refuge, through prayer, to be our clear vision for 2020. Little did we know that all of our tomorrows would be changed.

It is so easy to make Covid-19 the center of our days. It looms large in all our lives 24 hours a day. Whether you have contracted the virus, been exposed to it or not, everyone has been touched and altered. The fear of the virus has forced many sacrifices on the altar of “Be Safe”.

Recently here at The Refuge Center we have seen dramatic rise in the number of appointments for pregnancy tests. Of those seeking a pregnancy test, the number of those that indicate they are abortion vulnerable or determined has more than doubled. Fear is already an ever-present accessory worn by pregnant women. Add the layers of unplanned and a worldwide pandemic…full-blown panic takes hold.

We are seeing women gripped with fear for two main reasons. First is the fear of financial hardship. Most of these mothers were already on shaky financial ground before Covid-19. Even if they still have a job, it is uncertain and worrisome to think they are now, in the state of pregnancy, immune compromised and may not be able to continue to work.

Second is the fear of the unknown future. Many of our clients come from broken homes, failed relationships, or abusive situations. They do not have a family safety net to lean on. They are asking themselves, “How can I raise a child under these circumstances?” We are here to tell them the good news.

But God… “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7

In His word, the Lord tells us to not be afraid 365 times. One for every day of the year. This is a dose of anti-virus medicine that we should all ingest every day. While this virus has surprised all of us, it has not surprised Him. He knew it would be here at this time and affect each of our lives the way that it has. We encourage our clients to lean on and trust in God. “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Those words are like life preservers among the waves of fear that we all may be experiencing these days. For some, the waves of fear can be surfed through with moderate effort, only to come out wet on the other side. For others, like our clients, their waves are like coming giants that will swamp their boats and possibly capsize their life. It has been said during this time of global crisis that we are all in this together. That is true to some extent. We are truly seeing, from the women coming through our door here at Refuge, that we are not all in the same boat. We may be all in the same ocean, but definitely not in the same boat.

If you are one of the fortunate who are weathering this storm okay, here is how you can help plug some holes for women facing the fears of an unplanned pregnancy or the concern of how to provide basic necessities of life such as food and diapers for their small children:

Consider a financial donation:

· Refuge is currently running our annual Baby Bottle Campaign. This is our largest fundraiser each year. The money raised is how we are able to keep our doors open year after year. Please consider filling a virtual baby bottle online at

· Become a monthly supporter. Refuge is completely funded with community support. We have been in the business of sharing the gospel and promoting abundant life for the traditional family in this community since 1984. Any donation we receive on a regular basis, no matter the size, helps us plan for the future.

Material Needs assistance:

· We provide childhood material needs to dozens of families each month. Items such as diapers, wipes, formula, and clothing allow us the opportunity to not only meet the needs of this vulnerable population, but another chance to share the love of Christ. Please consider getting online and ordering some of these supplies for us. Our staff is available every day to accept deliveries. We have a list of supplies most often needed here.


· We welcome your prayers. We are truly fighting an invisible enemy, and not just the virus. There is a spiritual war waging in this country, and we can only fight this battle on our knees. Please pray for the staff and volunteers at Refuge and most importantly please pray for the mothers, fathers and children of this community. The families of today and tomorrow are the prize the enemy seeks to destroy.

Thank you for your loyal support, your ever-increasing generosity and love that you show to our clients. We pray that you and your family are safe and healthy.

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